According to national study by the Center for Effective Philanthropy, Grantees Rank the Thornburg Foundation in the top 10 percent of funders for impact on their fields

According to national study by the Center for Effective Philanthropy, Grantees Rank the Thornburg Foundation in the top 10 percent of funders for impact on their fields

“Overall, Thornburg Foundation receives exceptionally positive grantee ratings compared to CEP’s dataset of more than 40,000 grantees from nearly 300 other funders. Thornburg Foundation is rated higher than the typical funder in CEP’s dataset for most measures...
A Blueprint for Early Childhood in New Mexico

A Blueprint for Early Childhood in New Mexico

In 2018, the New Mexico Early Childhood Funders’ Group commissioned “A Business Plan for Early Childhood.” The Business Plan provides a vision for responsibly expanding early childhood and a systems-based approach to achieving it. In other words, this is a framework...

State early childhood department proposed

SANTA FE – A proposal headed to the Legislature next month would establish a Cabinet-level department to oversee New Mexico’s burgeoning investment in early childhood programs that aim to prepare youngsters for school and promote healthy brain development. State Sen....
NMECDP moves to expand NM preK Tour

NMECDP moves to expand NM preK Tour

Sed sed posuere lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce id dui vitae ligula malesuada ultrices. Praesent dignissim enim in neque consectetur, eget fringilla enim commodo. Fusce orci magna, placerat id...

Home visitation puzzle in New Mexico

In the past couple of years, New Mexico child welfare officials have diverted millions of unspent dollars from home visiting, a program that studies show helps promote healthy children and families, to boost funds for child care assistance. Records show that since...